Posted by: notoriousnfp | May 18, 2009

Gravage Distopia: Angels Explode in Silence Chapter 7

EXT. Cemetery, Funeral.

Close up shot of open casket. Medium frame of a hand throwing red roses in the middle. Wide shot of four figures. Shot of June bending her forearm back to her body. Tears are running down her face. The coffin accompanied by the flowers gets lowered into the ground. A frame displays the tombstone. The name engraved on the tombstone is “MORTIMER PULANSKY”.

June is wearing a black outfit. She bends her head down. Tears continue to run from her eyes.

Priest: May Mortimer Pulansky’s soul rest in heaven and may his soul dwell with God in pure peace and serenity.

June: Thank you father, you do not believe how much this means to me.

June walks away passing various tombstones that are spread out across the grass. She passes a tree and Vist appears.

Vist: How are you doing June?

June: I feel totally devastated. My uncle was not even found. He was pronounced dead.

Vist: Do not doubt that I feel any different. I will solve this mystery. The truth will be uncovered. With the city at stake you must stay hidden.

Vist disappears.

EXT. Cemetery.

June walks across the graveyard and eventually stops by two tombstones parallel to each other. The tombstones reveal the names as follows: “CARTER PULANSKY” and “MARIE ANNE PULANSKY”.

June: (narration) Uncle Morty has joined my parents above. Their souls are a t peace. Due to my loving relationship with my parents I was left with a never ending depression. When they passed Uncle Morty was my only remaining family member. My mind is obscured with shock. As an only child my parents felt I was very special. If there is one person who cared about me as much as my parents did it was Uncle Morty. Uncle Morty was my father’s brother. I can recall when I first met Uncle Morty.

January 15, 2847 (flashback)

INT. Theatre Hall.

The performance of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet finishes with Romeo drinking the poison and falls down atop Juliet ending in a dramatic pose as the curtain closes. The theatre house lights fade up and Carter, Marie Anne and June stand up out of their seats to leave. Cut to Carter and June walking out of the theatre.

June: Why do people die daddy?

Carter: Well honey it is a part of the main cycle of life.

June: You won’t die soon will you?

Carter: No, not for a long time. Violence is increasing and this city must be kept safe.

Marie Anne: We must be cautious when roaming the streets.

June: I hope I don’t get hurt. I want to be safe.

Carter: You will be. I guarantee that I will not let anything happen to you.

They turn down a narrow alley and walk within the dim light ranging from the lampposts. A dark shadow approaches them which crawls up the side of the wall.

Marie Anne: Carter, this dosen’t seem like safest route to take home.

Carter: I am sure everything will be fine dear; in a moment this alley will be nothing but a nest of flickering fireflies.

Sweat drips from Carter’s forehead. Extreme close up of footsteps approaching them.

June: Daddy I’m scared let’s not…..

A hand lands on Carter’s shoulder (close up)

Carter: (turns around quickly) Oh Jesus! Morty. You frightened the living daylights out of me. June I would like you to meet my brother Mortimer.

Carter (cont’d): Hey Morty I would like you to meet my daughter, June.

Morty: Hello there. I hope I didn’t surprise you too much. How are you?

June: mmm………….fine.

Carter: She’s a little shy.

Marie Anne: June may be lively though.

Morty: Have either of your parents told you what my job is at all?

June: My father has told me you are friendly and save people.

Morty: In a matter of speaking you are absolutely right. As a police sergeant I am here to ensure the safety of others.

Carter: How has your work been lately?

Morty: The force is tracking down an anonymous assassin. We have not caught him yet.

Carter: In the state that the city is in I can only imagine how hard it can be.

Morty: My police squad car is just around the corner. I could drive you home if you like?

Marie Anne: We would not want to impose.

Morty: It is no problem. Go ahead. It is to your right at the side of the curb. It is unlocked.

Marie Anne: Oh thank you. (motions to June and walks toward the car)

Carter: Listen Morty, I feel very distressed. I have become very ill and I do not want to jump to any conclusions if anything were to happen. I have not told June or Marie Anne. Promise you will take care of them dearly.

Morty: (stunned and calms his face down to a neutral expression) Don’t worry I promise.

EXT. Cemetery.

June: Morty has kept his promise to my father that he made that day I met him for the first time. My father would be proud. I will never forget.

(June begins to cry and tears run down her face)

EXT. Tar Pits.

Shots of landscape in the jungle setting leading to the tar pits. Cut to frames of the bubbling tar pits. Finally close up shot of the tar pits. A hand emerges abruptly from the tar pits.


Khemical Kiss Productions 2005©

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