Posted by: notoriousnfp | May 4, 2009


EXT. Forest outskirts.

Darkened tree in the woods. Light shines upon a large tree trunk. Wide shot of Morty.

Morty: (narration) The tar pits. Maybe Blike was right. If this criminal is smart and sensible he will know the police force is searching the streets. It would make sense for this individual to scour this foliage filled labyrinth. Located in a place unknown to all. Once a berth of solitude and peace now is lost in the leaves and vines that encompasses this area. The perfect grave.

Morty pushes down the break various times. The car moves forward a tiny bit.

Morty: Of all times. (Gets out of the car and puts two big stones in front of the rear wheels. He opens the trunk. Morty is frightened by Ghast’s mutilated disgusting face)

Morty: Ghast’s frozen expression for a moment but only at first frightens me. Out of the corner of my eye I see a red glow floating across the grass. Over the clumps of large moss it reaches the large rocks.

Another red laser veers around the side of Morty. Shot of Morty’s pocket with a bit of his gun poking out.

Cut to rocks exploding. Before Morty can turn around he is shot in the back. Three men dressed in black jump down from the giant center tree atop the hill. Army fatigues and dark colors camouflage them totally. They are seen on parts of their outfits. Morty flies forward, his chest hits the trunk of the car. This causes the car to slide down the hill.

Morty: I glare into Ghast’s dazed eyes.

The car swerves and tumbles across the grass down into the tar pits. The front of the car dips down first.

Morty: My legs are dangling inches from the black hole bubbling beneath me.

The car finally tips up and the engine and headlights sink.

Morty: I push myself up attempting to rise to the roof safely.

The mercenaries dressed in black shoot the side of the car making an uneven line across the car.

Morty: My fingers begin to slip slightly.

Finally the mercenaries shoot the engine. The car explodes and flips in the air. Morty dives under the tar.

Morty: This better not kill me.

Metal pieces of the car hit the grass and fall into the tar pits. Three large pieces of metal fall below onto Morty and his glasses crack. Suddenly Ghast’s body plunges below sinking slowly below His face disappears becoming darker and darker.

Morty: My grip fails and I lose sight encapsulating me in caliginosity. Close up shot of the mercenary’s eyes. He has red night vision goggles. A low angle frame of his sniper rifle aimed downwards. He takes a shot.

Morty; Floating under below my lungs fill with tar decay. My breath shortens leaving me one final chance for life.

Morty lifts a hand. Shot of the bubbling tar pit. Bullets are fired into the tar pits. The tar pits turn dark violet.

Cut to three mercenaries.

Morty: Friendship has been threatened by destruction. Loss is half.

Downtown Gravage Distopia. INT. NSEL Research Lab.

Close up shot of Simonds’ face. His nose twitches slightly. His eyelids begin to open. (halfway) His eyelids fully open. Simonds puts his right hand on the table as a support to stand up. He stands upright but his back is hunched a little. He turns and walks toward a door. Shot of his back facing the mirror. He stares for a brief moment. Lifts his right hand and hits the mirror violently. The mirror shatters and his fist is filled with cuts, glass and blood. An angry expression is displayed on his face.

Simmons: All is not lost. Dr. Rolstrom’s idiocy may have triumphed but my reputation will only grow in time.

He puts his hands in his face. Suddenly his anger fades and he begins laughing maniacally.

Cut to shot of a gas mask hanging on a wall in the research lab. Simonds puts it on his head. He covers the top of the mask with a black hat. Close up of Simmons putting each arm in the sleeves of a dark trench coat. He buttons up the front up the trench coat.

Simonds: It will do for now.

Khemical Kiss Productions 2005©


  1. This Friday I will post the next Optic Rigalou short film.

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