Posted by: notoriousnfp | April 12, 2009


EXT. Side Ditch.

Fire burning in Strayne’s vehicle. Cut to a frame of shattered ice across the ground. Flashing green and white lights blink. Police cars arrive. Morty gets out of his cop cruiser and walks toward the vehicle engulfed in flames.

Morty: (narration) The wind spirals around the flames lifting black smoke. It trails across the sky blending with swarms of smog.

Ghast: The reckless mess is nothing more than a typical casualty we as a police force are so accustomed to.

Morty: (narration) Gazing through the dead grass, blood splattered shards of ice are splintered into rough soil.

Ghast: Morty, a trail of blood leads back to Gravage Distopia.
Close up frame of strands of hair that belong to June. A wide frame of Mort picks up the strands of hair. Close up of Mort smelling the hair.

Morty: June! Ghast we must gather everyone and head back toward the city. The discovery of this individual will be unveiled at all costs.

Ghast: What is the relevance of even tracking down such a mysterious figure.

Morty: Mysteries always carry a motive.

Morty (cont’d): June was in danger. A struggle pursued leaving a conundrum behind.

Ghast: There doesn’t seem to be a body here at all.

Morty: My instincts tell me someone may know about this.

Morty stares into the glistening ice. The moon reflects off the ice.

Ghast: Who?

Morty: A plague.

Morty climbs up the small hill from the ditch. Ghast expresses doubt and looks worried. Close up of Morty smiling slightly with Ghast behind him. Ghast still looks confused and dumbfounded.

Ghast opens the car door. Slams it shut. Morty enters on the driver’s side. Green lights flash on the back of the car. White reverse lights follow. The car goes in reverse and slides forward. The car goes over a jump and hit the ground heading towards the city. They pass a broken sign. The words are scratched out. Only a “G” at the top and “Y” at the very bottom. Various shots of car driving down the street.

Ghast: Come on Morty, Where the fuck are we going?

Morty: It never use to snow here in Gravage Distopia. Oddly enough it does now. Do you know why Ghast?

Ghast: What the fuck?…….cut the crap!!

Morty charges at a sewer cap with steam rising up. He swerves the car to the side and comes to a halt. Ghast’s head slams against the window.

Morty: Stay here Ghast.

Shot of Morty taking handcuffs off his belt. He grabs Ghast’s left hand and Morty handcuffs him to the steering wheel. Morty gets out of the car. Steam rises out of the sewer. The steam forms a face and a figure. A jacket springs out of the back of figure. Vist turns into Blike.

Ghast: No!! It can’t be true!!!(stunned)

Blike: Morty, Hello my friend, how has the night treated you?

Morty: Long and enlightening.
Blike: What do you mean when you say enlightening?

Morty: I think June is in danger. I am worried about her.

Blike: I spoke to June not long ago.

Morty: I believe someone is after her.

Blike: When I defended her earlier I recognised the stranger stalking June.

Morty: And who was it?

Blike: A man from the strip club. I spotted him from the shadows.

Morty: I observed that the blood tread lead to the center of Gravage Distopia at the car wreck.

Blike: We must be wise to not……

Ghast shoots the handcuffs off with his gun he is holding in his right hand. Ghast kicks the car door and it breaks off the car. Blike freezes himself against the lamppost.

Ghast: This is enough Morty!

Ghast holds a gun up to Morty. (he proceeds to walk forward. He finally has the gun pointed straight against his head)

Ghast: Don’t make me jump to any extreme measures because if I have to I will.

Sidewalk begins to crack near the lamppost.

Morty: You’re insane Ghast.

Ghast: I could say the same about you.

Sidewalk cracks even more and leads onto the road.

Morty: He is not a threat. You don’t understand.

Ghast: Come to your senses Morty. Vist is a condemned convict. He responsible for countless deaths in Gravage Distopia.

Morty: But they are for a good cause. (crack hits the street near Ghast’s foot)

Morty (cont’d): Your thoughtless mind will get yourself killed.

Ghast: I am sorry Morty you are giving me no choice. (Ghast cocks his gun. Shot of bullet sliding into position)

Finally the cracks surrounding the lamppost leading down to the street covered with frost suddenly the lamppost cement explodes and the pavement totally cracks. Vist swoops off the lamppost. Vist freezes Ghast’s throat. Ghast drops his gun. Morty is knocked backward and falls down. An icy right hand twists and breaks his neck. Ghast ‘s neck twists spiraling up toward his head like a looney toon. Vist freezes his mist vapour and his left hand knuckles forms a sharp icicle. Vist drives the sharp icicle through Ghast’s torso and it hits his heart. The icicle appears on the opposite side of Ghast’s body and his heart pops out of his flesh. Ghast’s heart and blood scatters across the ground. His heart pulses. Vist’s right hand transforms into a glittering knife and slits Ghast’s throat. Blood leaks down under his throat. Morty points his gun at Ghast and aims at the lower part under his head. Morty shoots and Ghast’s head explodes. Blood splatters onto Morty’s glasses. He wipes it off with each hand. Vist transforms back into Blike.

Blike: It had to be done Morty. He could not be trusted

Morty: (narration) Who can?

Blike: Ghast was no more than a liability complicating your work.

Morty: Makes no difference, Ghast was a pawn in the police force seduced by greed and power for ambitious reasons leading to his death.

Blike: Death is Simonds’ main source of power. His achievement seems flawless. The government will fall at the hands of Vist. These policies will not last while I am around. Neither will Simonds’ villainy. I can only imagine.

Khemical Kiss Productions 2005©

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